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Sabtu, 22 Januari 2011

Express Tour in Melbourne

Spring, November 2010..

My cousin was getting married in Melbourne so I skipped some classes and went to Melbie ;D.. I only had about 1,5 days to travel around. That's why I named this post as 'Express Tour' as it was express literally.

My first impression about Melbourne was 'COLD' haha.. I came in spring so I could see how the flowers blooming in so many colour.. it was soo pretty. Let's start the story from the first place I visited.

It was the Melb version of Mahakam river haha.. I finally could play with pigeons along the river side ;DD

On the night of that day, my cousin picked me up n we went to 'Il Dolce Freddo', an ice cream store nearby Melbourne Uni. Its the best ice cream I've ever had in my life. The ice cream that can make you forget about your strict diet programme :D.

Isnt it lovely?? I'm dying to go back to Melbourne for 10 scoops of Freddo ice cream ha ha.. I'm sure I'll be back there someday ;)..

Ok, the next day was the true tour. I firstly went to the Shrine of Remembrance. That's a building to remember the Aussie men n women who served in World War I. It was one of the largest war memorial in Australia. Unfortunately, I came too early so that I couldn't enter the building.. but it was cool! I loved it.

Can you see how blue the sky was?? It was more amazing when you saw it live!

From the Shrine of Remembrance, we went across to the Botanical Garden. What I love most from this place is the fact that we can see the Rod Laver Arena from here hehehe.. I saw a lot of plants at the Botanical Garden. I never see some of them in Indonesia. I got something funny there. Banana trees couldn't grow up there..

From the Botanical Garden, we went to the Victoria Market. I really love this market. Very nice huehehe.. We did the family photo shoot here ;D

Then, I went to the City Loop. The Center of Melbourne. This is the place where you can find SCBD, shopping center, resto, street musician, art center, opera building, Flinders Street station, Parliament of Victoria,State Library, and many more! It was sooo crowded there but the Aussies made it easy. I love the way the Aussies live. Fast but relaxed.

Gosh! If only we had a library like this in Indonesia, I was sure that we would be smarter than we are now! You must see the entire of this library. Highly recommended. The fact that it;s nearby the shopping center makes it more fun to visit.

From the street musician, the way he played the piano..... awesome awesome awesome!. And Myer's Christmas window.. ha ha.. soo cute.. It was like a theater show on the street ;DD.. My nephew also loved it.

Visiting this Parliament building is a must when you go to Melbourne.. My father was dying to have a pic at this place n he got it!


And then,, our express tour ended at the Flinders Street Station. Was an amazing day, exploring few parts of Melbourne. When I went back to Indonesia, I promised myself to visit Melbourne again next time ;DDD..

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