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Rabu, 03 Februari 2010

my very bestfriends

it's such a very nice thing to know that some people care about me and here they aaarrrreeeeee..

starting from d eldest one hehe..

madir (irmadani apriningrum)... the blue ranger.. i always wonder y she can be my bestfriend hehehe.. eniwei, aku kenal dia pas kelas 1 smp.. kalem gitu anaknya.. such a sweet gal with long hair.. okelah pokoknya.. ga ada tanda2 klo she's a very abnormal one.. Kelas 2 smp dia potong rambut n like a domino effect, semua kepribadiannya terbukaaaa haha.. Sekarang she's crazy abt queen Seon Deok n acts as if she were the Queen haha..

ika-dear (ika prawita sari)... the yellow mellow sweet gal hehehe.. she's my eldest dearest sista for me.. kadir ni ada di semua 'social society' yang pernah aku masuki,, starting fr POGB, GT2M, 4 sekawan 3J, n gs3.. So, no wonder if i miss her soooo muuuccccccchhhhhhhhh..

tris-dear (trisna wulansari)... the black with a pure white heart.. she's a woman and a man at the same time.. the gs3's bodyguard n my sista in Nate's fam.. aku sekelas ma tris-dear waktu kelas XI.. huhu.. i miss my 11th classmates now.. i remember klo qta sering makan bareng.. asoy bgt dah sambil ngeliatin c domi adu mulut ma eci, arie nyanyi2 ga jelas, meli pacaran ma koko, cie cie ubu foto2 ma olan, de el el.. n qta berdua makan dengan cantiknya sambil ngereview cerita film 'jewel in the palace' malam sebelumnya hihihihi..

lhala-dear (maulani faradina salilana)... the red one.. anggota gs3 yang paling centil hahaha.. she's now here in yk with me n one thing i'm sure is that she looooooovvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssss me so much and so do I hehe.. klo ceritaan ma lhala tuh ya ga jauh2 dari masalah get married, wisata kuliner, ma tiket yk-smd yang selalu ada di tangan jauh sebelum libur haha.. she's an MC, photographer, n gs3's archie..

nichi, my mother (nichita heryananda putri).. she loves orange and she's my mother.. bisa dibilang dia yang paling dewasa dan paling bijak di antara kami tapi dia juga yang paling hobi nemuin hal2 lucu yg bikin gs3 beda.. nichi ini artisnya gs3 lhooo..

ndhul (rindha maretha kusumawatie).. sometimes aku bingung kenapa di antara sekian banyak warna, ndul suka warna ungu?? eniwei, dia senasib ma aku kalo soal keluar rumah.. kami anak pingitan haha...

amink (muhaemin nur achmad) n faisal (abdul madjid faisal).. 2 cowok ni punya kepribadian berbeda.. amink orangnya moody tapi care whereas faisal is a troublemaker hihihi..

ida (asnidar rahman).. ida ni bukan anggota gs3 tapi dia bestfrenku sejak smp.. di yang nyimpen semua aib dan first love story-ku hihihi..

mimin (minda wulandari).. she's my keeper.. sekarang di yk juga ma aku hehe..

didi (diaz).. cicit nate's fam

ubu (trisna widyani).. ini kakakku yang nomor 2, kembarannya tris-dear. She's also my chinese language teacher hehe.. sekarang dia lagi di china.. huhu,, miss her so..

m. radinal pascari (domi).. referensi KD terlengkap.. klo kita dah ngumpul di yk n ga ada domi, dijamin ga heboh.. domi ni juga nyambi jadi tukang pijat n facial kita2 hihihi...

eci (desy ariani).. si cantik yg ketawanya heboh..

arie (arie mirza).. i have no word to say about him hihihihi..

anggi (anggriani profita).. nah dia ini sahabatku sejak kelas 2 smp,, makin lengket pas kelas 3 smp. sayangnya qta ga 1 sma tapi howeva,, the party hasn't ended yet.. we still stay connected until now.. many things happen between us but i hope our friendship will last forever :)

nda (hendra).. klo tadi aku bingung mau ngomong apa tentang arie karena aku cuma bisa geleng2 kepala ngeliat kelakuan anak itu, sekarang aku juga bingung mau ngomong apa tentang hendra karena he's more than words for me.. i call our friendship as 'friendship in the making' coz our friendship process really takes a very long time.. he's my friend in everything n he's the best 1 to gamble with haha.. we can talk anything from a very small unimportant thing until a very serious one.. it's always fun with him ;p

ooo.. i'm blessed very berry much with ya ol...